Hilton Reykjavik Spa Terms and Conditions

Please note that if you need to cancel a massage treatment, you must do so 12 hours in advance or you will be charged 50% of the treatment. Please do so via the Noona app or website.

If this does not work, you can call 444 5090 or send an email to spa@hiltonreykjavikspa.is

Clients are asked to arrive on time for booked treatments as delays may result in shorter treatment times and thus reduced treatment.

The age limit for the spa is 16 years. Massage clients under the age of 18 must have parental consent for a massage treatment with us, and the age of the individual must be stated in the booking if they are under the age of 18.

Communication and etiquette in massage

• Massage is a touch and oils and creams are used in treatments. Cleanliness is important for both the masseur and the massage recipient, so it is important that the massage recipient shower before the massage. Cleanliness works both ways and the masseur should be clean and tidy. Both the masseur and the massage recipient can decide to cancel the massage if personal hygiene is not acceptable.

• The massage recipient must arrive at the waiting room on time, clean and in a robe. The massage room is not a changing room.

• In most cases, a single massage follows a predetermined massage system unless the massage recipient requests a specific focus in the massage (back, head, feet, etc.). If the massage recipient attends a massage regularly, he is encouraged to work with the massage therapist and share goals with him for the massage.

• Alcohol/drugs and massage do not mix. Both the massage therapist and the massage recipient should abstain from alcohol for at least 12 hours before the massage treatment. If the massage recipient is taking anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers, the massage therapist should be informed about this.

• The massage recipient should decide for themselves whether they wear underwear. The client is always wrapped up and only the area being worked on is uncovered.

• Massage clients 18 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult and a parent or guardian must give their consent for the massage. Clients may request to have a third party with them during the massage, if desired. That party must then abide by the rules of conduct and communication.

• Hilton Reykjavik Spa is a professional treatment facility that adheres to a strict code of ethics. Confidentiality with clients is maintained, except in cases of acts and behavior that violate the law.

Massage at Hilton Reykjavik Spa is a treatment and in no way of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment by the massage recipient or masseur, whether in the form of actions or words, is not tolerated. Inappropriate speech, jokes or comments by the massage recipient or masseur will result in the massage being terminated immediately. Treatments that are terminated due to inappropriate behavior by the massage recipient must be paid for in full. Serious sexual harassment or assault may be reported to the police.

Massage clients under the age of 18 must obtain parental consent for massage treatment with us, and the age of the individual must be stated in the booking if they are under the age of 18.